This site/blog explains everything about Raynaud's Phenomenon in normal human language,
no sophisticated and scientific words, but everything discussed here have a scientific base.

This blog is created, in the hope that it will help the people affected by this disease.
Kindly use "Index" for a better experience. (Given on right hand side.)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Raynaud's Awareness Week / Month 2013

        After the huge response to the Awareness Week of 2012, and because of the "public demand", we decided to hold the 2013 event.
As on February 13th, we have 196 attendees, and 129 persons have been invited.

         We hereby thank all the people who have helped us to make the 2012 event successful.

Here is the link for that facebook 2013 event:

For the more details about facebook events held by use,
Please visit following link:

Warm Regards,
Kiran :)

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